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Last revised: March 2012

Copyright � 2004-2012 Heather Hill Gibson

Site by Butterfly Designs

Music provided by Doug Wilde

Long ago, our ancestors prayed with offerings.  When we pray today, we talk to the Divine, to our Spiritual Guides, and to our ancestors and family.  We can invite these Higher Beings into our life with prayer.  We enter into the reciprocal relationship with a Higher Power in order for them to become active in our life.  An offering can act as an establishment of this act, a ritual of completion.  There are many ways to pray.

Preparing for Prayer

One can go to a church or temple to pray or one can create an altar or sacred space, a sanctuary.  Candles bring purification.  Stones and shells gathered from the earth bring grounding energy.  A picture of a loved one can be placed on this space with a cross, a rosary, or a cauldron for sacred sage.  A silver cup as a chalice or whatever feels blessed and true to you.

There are many ways to pray.  You can pray in silence, out loud, in song or in hymns.  Pray walking in nature, at sunset, or pray in a church.

Prayers Answered

Respectful waiting to receive an answer.  Acknowledge that your prayers have been answered with thanks.  Understand that sometimes prayers are answered after a much longer time frame than we imagined or they're answered in a way we cannot even imagine.  Just trust and let go.  Let God.

Intent of Prayer

Intent is the commitment to pray.  The importance is to pray and believe that you are being heard.  Trust the timing of prayer as a gift in your life.